Who to contact

Helping you direct queries to the right place

Studying with us

Prospective students

If you're thinking about studying with us, or have applied to study with us, please direct queries to the Undergraduate Admissions Office or the School Postgraduate Office.

Undergraduate Admissions Office

Postgraduate Office

Current undergraduate students 

Undergraduate Teaching Office can help with matters relating to the administration of your courses.

Student Support Office are also available to help with a range of other undergraduate queries.

Current postgraduate students 

Postgraduate Office should be your first port of call for most postgraduate queries.


Consult our research page for information about our research.


Key contacts in Philosophy

Below is a list of faculty with administrative responsibilities, who you should also feel free to contact.

Head of PhilosophyMichael Gill
Deputy Head of PhilosophyDebbie Roberts
Philosophy Management Team Executive AssistantJennie Firth


Undergraduate DirectorDamian Caluori
Deputy Undergraduate Director (Including Tutor Recruitment, Contracts and Allocation)Mazviita Chirimuuta
Tutor Training CoordinatorFilipa Melo Lopes
Honours CoordinatorFedor Benevich
Joint honours CoordinatorFedor Benevich
Course Organiser, Morality and ValueDebbie Roberts
Course Organiser, Philosophy of Science 1Jo Wolff
Course Organiser, IHOP AFedor Benevich
Course Organiser, IHOP BJennifer Marušić
Course Organiser, Knowledge and RealityAidan McGlynn
Course Organiser, Logic 1Mahrad Almotahari
Course Organiser, Mind, Matter and LanguageMilo Phillips-Brown
Exam Boards ConvenorNick Treanor
Philosophy QAEMahrad Almotahari
Equality & Diversity DirectorMarion Boulicault
EDI and Anti-Harassment OfficersMarion Boulicault; Aidan McGlynn; Takeshi Morisato
Open Day CoordinatorDavid Levy
Philosophy Society LiaisonPatrick Todd
Student Exchange CoordinatorEli Lichtenstein
SSLC ConvenorDamian Caluori
Philosophy Library RepInna Kupreeva


Postgraduate Research DirectorTill Vierkant
Postgraduate Teaching DirectorBerislav (Beri) Marušić
Programme Director, MSc Epistemology, Ethics and Mind (EEM)Alasdair Richmond
Programme Director, MSc PhilosophyEli Lichtenstein
Programme Director, MSc Mind, Language and Embedded Cognition (MLEC)Alistair Isaac


Research DirectorStacie Friend
Edinburgh Speaker Seminars CoordinatorMilo Phillips-Brown
Impact Case Co-ordinatorTill Vierkant