Choosing and locating psychological tests and scales Browse our psychological test collection Library database search In addition to a web search, try a keyword search (for example 'anxiety', 'anger', 'body image') using library databases such as Web of Science or PsycINFO. Library databases will also give a better indication whether literature has been peer-reviewed. (Access may be restricted to University of Edinburgh users). List of available library databases.Access to Web of ScienceAccess to PsycINFOAn information sheet shows how to use academic literature databases to find about tests. Psychological Instruments (pdf) Public domain versus commercially published tests Tests fall into two categories: those made freely available by researchers (public domain) and commercially published tests, usually protected by copyright. A reference to a public domain test is usually a book chapter or journal article; for the second type it will be to a manual published by a commercial organisation. Full details of freely available tests can be generally be found by consulting the relevant article; if full details are not given, you might be able obtain extra materials (for example a list of test items) by contacting the author. Commercially published tests must not be photocopied, scanned or otherwise reproduced without permission. If you wish to use these tests you should consult with your supervisor. Often a literature search will produce a public domain equivalent of a commercial test. Some web resources for psychological testing General American Psychological Association guidance on Testing and AssessmentBritish Psychological Society - Psychological Testing CentrePsyToolkit Office for National Statistics Current Standard Occupational Classifications.Face Image Databases Measurement Instrument Database for the Social Sciences Personality and social psychology measures The Big Five Inventory (Berkeley Personality Lab)HEXACO Personality Inventory RevisedInternational Personality Item Pool Clinical and health APA Online Assessment Measures Psychology Tools (UK)Psychology Tools (USA)Autism Research Centre (University of Cambridge) Commonly used tests Find out more about some of the more commonly used psychological tests. Psychological tests held by the department A comprehensive list of psychological tests held in PPLS. The Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire Download the PRMQ in a range of languages. If you require a PDF document in an alternative format, such as large print or a coloured background, please email PPLS Librarian. This article was published on 2024-10-14