Mental Health

Mental health problems can affect any of us at any time.

One in four of us will experience mental ill health at some point in our lives. Anxiety, stress and depression are the most common mental health problems and can lead to other health issues. If you are experiencing mental ill-health, there are a number of options available to you for support and help.

If you are a student you can access support at:

Student mental health and wellbeing

Support for Staff


A free confidential counselling service is available for all members of University staff.

Staff Counselling Service

Occupational Health

The Occupational Health Service provides information and guidance for all staff in the University. They offer a number of services, including support for mental wellbeing.

Occupational Health Service

Health and Wellbeing

There is a great deal of information available on the staff Mental Wellbeing page.

Mental Wellbeing

You may also want to talk to your supervisor, Head of Department, Human Resources or the Staff Dignity & Respect Advisors for advice. You might also consider speaking with your GP, practice nurse or personal counsellor.

The University has a zero tolerance stance towards any form of bullying and harassment. The Respect at Edinburgh web hub has been created to bring together information and guidance on the Dignity & Respect policy, the processes for raising and addressing concerns, and the support and training available.

Staff Dignity & Respect Advisors

Respect at Edinburgh web hub

Further Information:

Mind: The Mental Health Charity

The UK Mental Health Foundation