Episode four: Genes, Society and Health

Our first episode of 2025 sees Research Fellow Dr David Hill sit down with Dr Charlie Xia to discuss his work exploring causal links between poverty and mental illness.

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I'm also interested in how genetic variation can be linked to traits that are seemingly unrelated to genetic inheritance. These traits would be things such as socioeconomic status, income, and as well as educational attainment.

This episode's guests

Dr David Hill

David's research focuses on uncovering the genetic architecture of complex psychological traits. Included in this is the use of post GWAS (Goal, How it works, Applications, Common diseases, Software) analysis methods such as pathway analysis and prioritising variants for further analysis. He is particularly interested in using these methods to elucidate the basis of intelligence, schizophrenia, cognitive ageing, depression and ADHD in humans. 

Dr Charley Xia

Charley Xia is a post-doctoral researcher specialising in quantitative genetics. He has studied the genetic architecture of human complex traits for over a decade and currently is interested in the genetics of cognitive ability and socioeconomic position and their links to health.

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